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Kibo Email

Email icon
  • Setting Up Kibo Account
  • Two Factor Authenticator - How To Allow 2-Step Verification
    1. Open your Google Account
    2. In the navigation panel, select Security.
    3. Under “Signing in to Google,” select 2-Step Verification and then get started.
    4. Follow the on-screen steps. Tip: If you use an account through your work, school, or other group, these steps might not work. If you can’t set up 2-Step Verification, contact your administrator for help.


Gradescope icon
  • Setting Up Gradescope Account

    1. To begin the setup for Gradescope Account, a welcome message is first sent to the student’s Email account indicating that the student has been registered for courses with a course code.
      For example, Welcome to Gradescope! You ( have been added as a student to the course KC001, Summer 2023 in Gradescope.
    2. The next process will be to set up a password with the link indicating a time of expiration of the link (Set your password. Link will expire on Jul 13 at 10:26AM (EDT)).
    3. Student are permitted to reset their passwords after the link has expired. (Please note that, even after the link has expired, you can still access your account by resetting your password.)
    4. The student then proceeds to the Gradescope dashboard to view the courses with further instructions to reach out to the course instructor in case there are any concerns.


Woolf icon
  • Submitting Assignments on Woolf
    1. Download your submission file from gradescope and upload the file to woolf
    2. Getting and submitting programming assignments

  • Submitting WDF quizzes on Woolf
    1. On gradescope, press — ctrl + p you’d see an option to print or save as pdf. Click the option to save as pdf, then you can upload the pdf to Woolf.
    2. Alternatively, take screenshots of the quizzes and put them together in a pdf and upload to woolf.
  • Deleting a submission on woolf
    1. Currently that’s not possible, just go ahead and upload the correct one along side.
  • Proof of University Graduation - Woolf
    1. Is your university certificate withheld?
      You can submit your final transcripts from university if you have that. Otherwise, please email and copy explaining the situation, and asking for alternatives.


Zoom icon


Github icon
  • Getting SSH key to connect Github with Vscode
    1. Using the file explorer, navigate to the .ssh folder Usually its something like C:\Users\User\.ssh Open the file using VSCode. Copy the key from VSCode. It should be something like: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICSSt5HLJYoTf2OwREwLmOd3Lg1XFEn8+dlyhlTibGe4

  • Adding SSH key to Github
    1. Navigate to Github in your browser
    2. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
    3. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click SSH and GPG keys.
    4. Click New SSH key or Add SSH key.
    5. In the "Title" field, add a descriptive label for the new key. For example, if you're using a personal Dell Windows laptop, you might call this key "Personal Dell".
    6. Paste your key into the "Key" field.
    7. Click Add SSH key.
  • View SSH Keys Added on Github
  • Issue adding ssh key to Github
    1. wrongfolder
    2. The key you are pasting is not formatted the way Github wants. That might mean you have copied from the wrong file (id_ed25519 instead of or that you’ve left out a part of the file.
  • Github repo deleted
    1. You can accept the project again from the course page.
  • Git merge conflict
    1. merge conflict error
      Resolving a merge conflict using the command line


Zoom icon
  • creating Zoom Account
    1. Set up your Kibo Google Account.

    2. After creating your Zoom account:

      Download the Zoom desktop client here. Open the desktop app and sign in with your Kibo account

      Go to the zoom web app (, click "Sign In" at the top right, and sign in with your Kibo account

      To download Mentimeter:- goto zoom apps, search Mentimeter and click Get App

      To use Mentimeter, ensure that you are signed in to Zoom (on web and desktop) then Download Mentimeter